Tuesday, February 16, 2021

MishMash 2

"Protean" has positive connotations of strength, mutability, and adaptability
The only downslide is the large stank of kelp piled on the beach to funkify

Proteus was an early sea-god

late son of Poseidon, Aquaman and Annette Funicello

You gotta get into overdrive, man

because in drive you just won’t arrive

She left when the hairs on his back took over the living room

And  the bay window refused to hold a view

What's worse, the whole thing could have been prevented with a simple software patch

The Bill of Rites replaces the Bill for Wrongs.

Or you can just duck the bill like the quack you wannabe. 

All participants must be at least 18 years old 

and must prepare to share their left shoes

But not their shoelaces

We are just catching up to our limitations

Out of breath, sweating beer nuts

Put your thin cotton cloak slowly inside my  hand

Don’t make any sudden daggers

The Number of Witnesses Who Say They Saw the Resurrected Jesus 

Quintupled the Population of Judas, California

But who’s counting?

The beta blockers feel like magic

hotly synthesizing high-payoff payoffs

Ancient skulls tell a shell of a story

known for  strength and homonyms and sandwiches

after winning a wrestling match 

With a group of ruffians called 

The Hinky DooDah Gang

jettison faith and circle the trapezoids of time.